Entradas de] Annalisa Gioioso

Corsi di tedesco super-intensivi a Berlino d’estate: 2 settimane 230€, gite e aiuto per alloggio

Anche quest’anno torna la Summer School di Berlino Schule! Corsi super-intensivi di tedesco (5 ore al giorno) dal lunedì al venerdì per due settimane e tante attività extra! Finalmente si parte per Berlino! Quanto a lungo hai aspettato? L’umore è alle stelle, la carta d’imbarco c’è, la valigia è pronta. Pantaloncini, sandali, costume, mappa… manca […]

German evening classes from 240 €. Study at Berlino Schule. New classes start next at the end of October 2019

Berlino Schule is offering German evening courses for 240 €, starting at the end of October. Don’t miss the chance to attend great quality-courses in Berlin! Are you looking for a German course in Berlin to grab “this (not) impossible” language, but you don’t have much time in the morning? Do you really want to […]

Lipsi, when DDR created a new dance to stop rock’n’roll

Listening new rock bands was actually impossible for youngsters who lived in Soviet bloc All western bands were strongly censored by regime, above all rock’n’roll was not tolerated at all. Although listening to Elvis, Rolling Stones or Beatles was very hard matter, the ban was bypassed and their music albums came into DDR, getting really […]

Franzbrötchen, the German croissant born as rebellion against French occupation

The flattened croissant: traditional pastry of northern Germany come from historical conflict The Franzbrötchen – literally “french roll”- is a classic pastry of Hamburg commonly found in the northern Germany, including Berlin. It looks like a croissant, but has a flattened shape with more strong flavour due to the addition of cinnamon. Its birth can […]