
Regresa Expolingua, la feria internacional de los idiomas y de las culturas extranjeras en Berlín (este año en línea)

Un año más, los amantes de los idiomas y de las culturas extranjeras podrán participar de manera gratuita en los talleres, cursos, y seminarios en línea de Expolingua

Llega este otoño una nueva cita con Expolingua Berlín, una de las ferias internacionales de mayor renombre en el ámbito de las lenguas y culturas extranjeras. El protagonista indiscutible del evento, que este año como en 2020 debido a las restricciones se celebrará en línea, será la diversidad lingüística y cultural. Se trata, de una cita ineludible, especialmente para quienes trabajan en el ámbito de la traducción, la enseñanza de idiomas, la interpretación, el turismo y los viajes.

El programa de Expolingua

Expolingua Berlín se celebrará en línea desde el 10 hasta el 13 de noviembre. El evento incluye una serie de conferencias y seminarios gratuitos. Más de 50 talleres virtuales ofrecerán información útil sobre cursos de idiomas internacionales, presenciales y en línea, prácticas y oportunidades de trabajo en el extranjero. Los visitantes podrán entrar en contacto con otras culturas, experimentar nuevos métodos de aprendizaje, participar en diferente debates y conocer personalmente los asesores lingüísticos. Este es el programa.

Berlino Schule en Expolingua 2021

Este año, Berlino Schule también estará presente en Expolingua 2021 con un interesante taller titulado «Verbos con preposiciones: cómo usarlos y por qué los necesitas absolutamente». Si eres un estudiante que lucha con los complicados warten auf, denken an, träumen von, y te cuesta memorizarlos, no puedes perderte este minicurso por nada al mundo. Se puede reservar a través de este enlace.

Expolingua Berlín 2021

Cuando: desde el 10 hasta el 13 de Noviembre

Donde: en línea sobre el sitio de Expolingua

Photo: Pixabay CC0

Winter school Berlino Schule

Winter School! Study German at Berlino Schule for 2 weeks, while enjoying the magic Christmas markets

Berlino Schule’s Winter school: study German for 2 weeks, 230 €, 8 extra activities, Christmas markets and lots of fun! Is there anything better than drinking a cup of hot chocolate while enjoying the magic Christmas atmosphere in Berlin? Would you like to spend some days in Berlin during the winter? Although the weather may […]

corsi di inglese

English courses (elementary and intermediate) starting from October 2019 at Berlino Schule

Join Berlino Schule English courses to start speaking the most common language in the world!

English is getting more and more important nowadays: it is the most common foreign language, used not only in the daily life, but also for more specific purposes. It is the dominant language in the sciences, for instance (research is conducted in English), and the primary language of media and press. To sum up, you could basically get in touch with different people and cultures by speaking only English.

Never studied English before? Join our Elementary English course!

Berlino Schule Elementary English course starts on 18th October 2019. Classes take place every Friday, from 19:00 to 20:30, for 12 weeks.

Price: 140 €

What you will learn:

– The basic structure of the English grammar
– How to talk about your daily life
– How to give personal information
– How to describe the things you have done

Can you speak English at a B1 level? Then, join our English Intermediate course!

You have been studying English for quite a lot of time, you have acquired the most important structures, till reaching an intermediate level (B1/B2) and you would rather carry on learning it. Berlino Schule English intermediate course starts on 18th October 2019. Classes take place every Friday, from 19:00 to 20:30, for 12 weeks.

Price: 140 €


Providing participants with an insight on conversation and grammar. Students will learn to interact in different situations, exchanging information on common and more complex topics.

Our teachers

Native English teachers with long experience in the teaching field

Certificate of attendance issued on demand.

For further info and registration, please contact us at info@berlinoschule.com

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstrasse 23, 10245 Berlin

Facebook event

Read the Italian version! 

Mille Grazie! Corsi di italiano

Mille Grazie! I corsi di italiano a Berlino offerti da Berlino Schule. Dal livello base ad esperto

Scopri la nostra offferta di corsi di italiano per adulti, bambini e ragazzi, sia online che in presenza

I nostri corsi di italiano Mille Grazie sono divisi in tre categorie:

  • per adulti (a scuola e online)
  • per bambini e adolescenti, divisi per fasce d’età (solo a scuola)
  • lezioni private per adulti, bambini e adolescenti (sia a scuola che online)

Mille Grazie per adulti

I corsi per adulti constano di due incontri settimanali di 3 ore accademiche (45 minuti) ciascuno. Ogni livello è costituito da 60 ore di lezione. Ad esempio, il primo livello corrisponde all’A1 e consta di 20 incontri suddivisi in 10 settimane. Offriamo sia corsi in sede che online. I corsi sono sia online che nella nostra scuola a Gryphiusstr. 23, zona Friedrichshain, Berlino.

Mille grazie per bambini e adolescenti

I corsi per bambini e adolescenti sono composti da 8 incontri in totale suddivisi in un incontro a settimana da 100 minuti ciascuno (due unità didattiche più 10 minuti di pausa). Ogni corso corrisponde a un semi-livello (A1.1 è il base). I corsi sono nella nostra scuola a Gryphiusstr. 23, zona Friedrichshain, Berlino.

Le fasce d’età sono suddivise in:

7-8 anni / 9-10 anni / 11-14 anni /15-18

Lezioni private per adulti, bambini e adolescenti

Intraprendi un viaggio personalizzato nella lingua italiana con i nostri corsi privati, disponibili sia online che nella nostra scuola. I corsi sono pensati sia per adulti che per bambini. L’obiettivo è creare lezioni coinvolgenti e in grado di garantire un rapido apprendimento.



390€ per ogni livello

più costo di iscrizione 20€ (l’iscrizione ha validità annuale)


200 € per ogni livello

più costo di iscrizione 20€ (l’iscrizione ha validità annuale)


32 € a ora (29 € se si acquistano pacchetti di 10 ore minimo)Info e Iscrizioni

Per iscriversi o chiedere ulteriori informazioni, potete mandare mandare una mail a info@berlinoschule.com.



Corso di tedesco per il turismo

Corsi di tedesco super-intensivi a Berlino d’estate: 2 settimane 230€, gite e aiuto per alloggio

Anche quest’anno torna la Summer School di Berlino Schule! Corsi super-intensivi di tedesco (5 ore al giorno) dal lunedì al venerdì per due settimane e tante attività extra!

Finalmente si parte per Berlino! Quanto a lungo hai aspettato? L’umore è alle stelle, la carta d’imbarco c’è, la valigia è pronta. Pantaloncini, sandali, costume, mappa… manca qualcosa… ma certo! Il corso di tedesco alla Berlino Schule! Dove vai se il tedesco non lo sai?

I corsi super-intensivi di tedesco di Berlino Schule

La Summer School di Berlino Schule è la vacanza-studio che stavate aspettando. Avrete la possibilità di frequentare corsi super-intensivi di 5 ore al giorno (dal lunedì al venerdì) per due settimane a soli 230 €. E non è tutto! Oltre ai corsi di lingua, Berlino Schule offre ai suoi studenti diverse attività extra tra visite guidate per la città, aperitivi e attività serali. In questo modo avrete l’opportunità di scoprire, divertendovi, tutto il fascino della capitale tedesca.

Il metodo di insegnamento di Berlino Schule

Il metodo di insegnamento di Berlino Schule presta grande attenzione alla comunicazione orale, alla pratica, all’introduzione e all’approfondimento – a seconda del livello – delle strutture grammaticali utilizzando sempre la lingua d’arrivo. Si preferisce il lavoro di gruppo e partecipativo alla lezione frontale. Tutte le classi- fin dal livello base A1.1 – sono tenute in tedesco da insegnanti qualificati. Obiettivo di Berlino Schule è offrire allo studente la possibilità di immergersi nella lingua, così da rendere l’apprendimento il più efficace possibile. Ciononostante, lo studente non si sentirà né intimorito né sopraffatto dalle nozioni alla base della lingua tedesca, poiché i docenti ripeteranno i concetti fondamentali, ampliandoli, in ogni livello.

I docenti di Berlino Schule

Gli insegnanti di Berlino Schule vantano tutti una pluriennale e certificata esperienza nel campo dell’insegnamento della lingua tedesca. Alcuni di loro parlano un italiano fluente (per qualsiasi evenienza). Berlino Schule ha punteggi eccezionali nelle recensioni sia su Facebook (5 su 5) che su Google (4.9 su 5).

Orientarsi tra i livelli di tedesco

Chi non ha mai studiato tedesco comincia dal livello A1.1 (base). Dopo cinquanta ore di lezione, suddivise in due settimane, si passa al livello successivo, ovvero l’A1.2, poi all’A2.1 e così via fino al C1.2, ultimo passaggio prima di sentirsi un madrelingua. Se avete già studiato tedesco in passato, ma non sapete definire il vostro livello, Berlino Schule vi offre la possibilità di un colloquio via skype con uno dei suoi insegnanti per capire la classe giusta a cui iscrivervi.

Le date della Summer School

Le Summer School di Berlino Schule si terranno a partire dall’8 luglio fino al 30 agosto 2019 e saranno articolate in blocchi di due settimane: 8-19 luglio; 22 luglio-2 agosto; 5-16 agosto, 19-30 agosto, tutti i giorni dalle ore 14:30 alle 18:45.

Calendario dei corsi diviso per date


A1.1 (BASE): 8 LUGLIO – 19 LUGLIO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

A2.1: 8 LUGLIO – 19 LUGLIO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

B2.1: 8 LUGLIO – 19 LUGLIO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)


A1.2: 22 LUGLIO – 2 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

A2.2: 22 LUGLIO – 2 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

B2.2: 22 LUGLIO – 2 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)


A1.1: (BASE) 5 AGOSTO – 16 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

B1.1: 5 AGOSTO – 16 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

C1.1: 5 AGOSTO – 16 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)


A1.2: 19 AGOSTO – 30 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

B1.2: 19 AGOSTO – 30 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

C1.2: 19 AGOSTO – 30 AGOSTO (lun-ven, 14.30-18.45)

Dove si trova la scuola Berlino Schule

Berlino Schule si trova su Gryphiusstraße 23, nel vivace quartiere di Friedrichshain, nel cuore pulsante di Berlino. Le fermate metro più vicine sono Ostkreuz, Samariterstraße e Warschauerstraße. È una delle zone più sicure, e allo stesso tempo giovanili di tutta la città. Qui è concentrata una parte importante della vita culturale e della movida notturna cittadina. Nelle vicinanze della scuola ci sono numerosi ristoranti in cui è possibile assaporare piatti provenienti da tutto il mondo o semplicemente sorseggiare una birra a fine lezione.

Studiare per due settimane d’estate a Berlino: i prezzi

Il prezzo per un corso super-intensivo di tedesco per due settimane  è di 230 €.Se decidete di frequentare due, uno dopo l’altro, il prezzo totale è di 440 € anziché 460 €.

Nota Bene:

1 – I 230 € non coprono le spese di viaggio e l’alloggio, ma solo il corso di tedesco di due settimane.

2- Non ci sono limiti di età per iscriversi. Non è richiesta una nazionalità particolare né la conoscenza di una lingua specifica per partecipare: le lezioni si svolgono in tedesco e solo in casi eccezionali gli insegnanti utilizzano altre lingue di appoggio per le spiegazioni (inglese, italiano, spagnolo ecc.)

3 – Ad eventuali studenti minorenni viene riservata particolare attenzione negli orari del corso, ma non al di fuori.

Cercate anche un alloggio per due o quattro settimane a Berlino?

Come dite? Vi piacerebbe molto, ma siete scoraggiati perché trovare un appartamento a Berlino è un’impresa impossibile? Niente paura! Berlino Schule ha stretto una serie di convenzioni con proprietari di appartamenti, ostelli e hotel per facilitare la ricerca dell’alloggio ai suoi studenti. A causa della grande richiesta, quando non si potranno dare indicazioni specifiche, la scuola rimarrà sarà di supporto per facilitare la ricerca.

Prenota il pacchetto completo!

Vuoi goderti la vacanza studio a Berlino in totale relax? Allora la soluzione migliore è affidarsi a noi completamente. Prenotando il pacchetto completo, potrai usufruire di alloggio in hotel, 2 biglietti settimanali per i mezzi (zona AB), oltre al corso e alle attività extra. Richiedi un preventivo!

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Our beautiful students <3

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Dopo il tedesco, il lavoro

Alla fine di ogni corso Berlino Schule rilascerà un certificato di frequenza che può essere allegato ai curriculum.

Oltre a questo chi frequenterà corsi presso Berlino Schule fino al livello C1 e raggiungerà una vera conoscenza della lingua tedesca per tale livello, se interessato, verrà messo in contatto con un’importante azienda italiana a Berlino specializzata nell’assistenza clienti che cerca continuamente nuovo personale. Contratti a norma di legge, sia full-time che part-time con orari flessibili.

Info e iscrizioni

Per iscrivervi o chiedere informazioni mandate una mail info@berlinoschule.com o chiamare, se non siete in Germania, lo 0049 30 36465765 (dalla Germania invece 30 36465765). L’ufficio è aperto dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8.45 alle 19.30-

Il pagamento può avvenire via bonifico bancario o in contanti presso la scuola

Voglio studiare tedesco a Berlino, ma già prima dell’estate

Se cercate corsi di tedesco o lezioni via Skype da frequentare prima dell’inizio dell’estate, controllate il calendario di Berlino Schule. Di mattina infatti ci sono corsi di 48 ore totali, ma suddivisi su 4 settimane (tre ore al giorno, quattro giorni a settimana, dal martedì al venerdì). Il costo è di soli 192 €.

Per qualsiasi dubbio consultate il sito di Berlino Schule in italiano

Berlino Schule

Gryphiustr. 23, 10245 Berlin – Friedrichshain

Telefono: 0049 (0) 30 36465765



Read the English version of the article!

Friuli Venezia Giulia offers 30 grants for not Italian young people

The Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia gives an opporturnity to attend in a innovative workshop studying Italian language and it can’t be missed. It offers 25/30 grants to not Italian young people in order to promote it as tourist destination, including Italian language lessons for intermediate level. Don’t miss the call!

Guidelines and selection criteria – 25/30 grants

The initiative called #CuriosiFVG2019-HANDS&BRAIN&HEART International Workshop aims to promote Friuli Venezia Giulia as a tourist destination able to offer a wide range of first-class tourist services to international visitors.
The project involves in giving a group of 25/30 young people (aged 22-35) from other 12/15 EU/EEA countries, Eastern Europe, Russia, Balkans, China, who already have a good knowledge of Italian (at least B2) and who are already working in the fields of international tourism, commerce, or in education, the opportunity of a twenty days full-immersion in Friuli Venezia Giulia to enable them to become original FVGgreeters once back in their home countries. Here you’ll find a welcoming environment, quality of life and beauty that are going to make you feel home.
The motto «Hands&Brain&Heart» represents the history of a strong working population from poor agriculture, from years of emigration to first level industrial innovation; together with unpolluted landscapes and people with warm hospitality and being able to share emotions.The experience consists in different activities and visits, held mostly in Italian.

Arrival: Wednesday 25th June 2019
Departure: Sunday 14th July 2019

The workshop is to be followed in its entirety with activities taking place every day, including Saturdays.
The following are all integral parts of the workshop: visits to various places in the region alternating with activities such as role playing in which the participants will play leading roles; seminars with experts and representatives from the regional worlds of culture and economics; studies of FVG’s cultural and artistic heritage and its socio-economic aspects; work experience in local businesses (companies working in the sectors of tourism, local food products, the wine industry and manufacturing for export); and in addition, some Italian language lessons to improve participants’ knowledge of Italian.
The participants will be expected to become storytellers and instagrammers (@curiosifvg) to describe their experience by activating #curiosiFVG2019.
By using different social media they will further enhance the value of their experiences while living them, using Italian, English and their own mother tongues.

Click here to be redirected to original website and find the APPLICATION FORM – DEADLINE 11 MAY 2019, BY E-MAIL

Selection of partecipants

25/30 participants will be selected coming from EU countries as well as from Russia, Belarus, Ucraina, Balcan area countries, Cina, and others with specific economic or cultural contacts with the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.
Prerequisites: age between 22 and 35; good knowledge of the Italian language (European Framework B2 level, with certification); good knowledge of English; university student or university graduate; work experience, especially in the area of tourism and foreign cultural and exchange or import/export with specific interest towards the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.

Clicca qui per essere reindirizzato alla pagina ufficiale per trovare  il modulo d’iscrizione


The organization of the whole educational experience has been entrusted to the Istituto Regionale di Studi Europei di Friuli Venezia Giulia (IRSE) with its centre in Via Concordia 7. Pordenone, which offers the availability of: teaching rooms with the latest technological equipment, a WI-FI area, auditorium, self-service restaurant, library and video library.All general expenses are paid by the promoters and consist of: Board and Lodging, all the teaching activities, day trips and guided tours. Overnight accommodation with breakfast is arranged in a hotel near the course centre. Midday meals are also included (at the self-service in the course centre or during day trips). Some of the evening meals are also included.

Travelling expenses

All travelling expenses must be paid personally by participants, or by their employers or associations or others.
Health assistance: all participants must be in possession of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), or a similar health insurance policy.

Visa regulations

To be able to benefit from the grant, selected participant must apply to the Consular Italian Authority for a Visa, if requested for their countries. L’IRSE will provide necessary documentation upon request.



ACCEPTANCE will be communicated before May 25th, 2019

Click here for the original website



Corsi di tedesco via Skype

German Classes from 192 € per month. Study at Berlino Schule. Our courses starting this month

German classes in Berlin? The answer is Berlino Schule. Don’t skip any of these opportunities! Intensive, afternoon, evening courses, private classes and Winter school!

It is your first time in Berlin, or you have been living in Berlin for quite a lot of time, but you still have the feeling you cannot speak German fluently? Don’t worry. You are neither the first nor the last to experience this. This is why it is extremely important to rely on the right school. Berlino Schule provides you with qualified teachers, who have been teaching German for lots of years. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn “this (not) impossible” language in an international environment!

Berlino Schule has the best quality-price ratio: it can provide you with a proper language education, with qualified and German native teachers from just 4€/hour. Moreover, whether you are in need of an accommodation, we can help you find the right one for you.

Berlino Schule provides students with four kinds of German courses: intensive (morning or afternoon), extensive (evening), super-intensive (afternoon) and private lessons (also on Skype).

Accommodation. Mission impossible? No panic! Berlino Schule has established agreements with some landlords to make your 2 or 4 weeks in Berlin as easier as possible. If you are interested, you can contact the school and we will provide you with a list containing all the info you need.

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

Our German intensive courses

Our intensive courses are usually held in the morning. Our courses last 4 weeks, classes take place 4 days/ week from Tuesday to Friday, from 8.45 to 11.15 or from 11.40 to 14.10 (according to the monthly calendar) for a total amount of 48 hours. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes.

Price: 192 € + 20 € registration fee

Our German intensive courses – January

A1.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses! 

Our German intensive courses in the afternoon

We have something new for you this month! Afternoon classes! Our German intensive courses in the afternoon take place every day, from Monday to Friday (5 days/ week) from 14:30 to 17:10. Total amount of hours: 48. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes.

Price: 192 € + 20 € registration fee

Our next German afternoon courses

A1.2 13 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Mon-Fri 14:30-17:10)

A2.1 13 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Mon-Fri 14:30-17:10)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses in the afternoon!

Our German evening courses

Evening German courses last 8 weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours: classes take place twice a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday), 3 hours per day, from 19.15 to 21.40. Total amount of hours: 48. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes. You can always ask to jump into a class that already started (prior agreement with the school).

Price: 240 € + 20 € registration fee

Our German evening courses – January

A1.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

B1.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

Look at our calendar to find out our German evening courses!

Skype/private classes

In case you do not have time to attend classes neither in the morning nor in the evening, you can book some private classes. Our private classes are split up in «teaching units», each of which consists of 45 minutes class, according to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages. Each teaching unit costs 28 euros. We generally recommend booking a minimum of 10 units, but you are free to book more or less. In case you decide to book more than 10 units, we are more than happy to offer you a discount (25 euros per unit).

Berlino Schule Winter school

Berlino Schule Winter school

Our Winter School (super-intensive courses)

In case you wish to learn faster, you definetely need to attend our super-intensive courses. Berlino Schule has come up with the best option for you: our Winter school! The Winter School of Berlino Schule is the study trip you are looking for. If you choose to register for our courses, you will have the possibility to attend super-intensive courses (5 hours per day, for 2 weeks) in the lively and international district of Friedrichshain. Our students will be also offered the chance to join 8 extra activities (i.e. cineforum, walking tours, museums, conversation activities, etc). Is there anything better than drinking a cup of hot chocolate while enjoying the magic Christmas atmosphere in Berlin? More info here.

Price: 230 € (8 extra activities included!)


Our Winter School take place from 9th December to 20th December. Classes take place from Monday to Friday, from 14:30 to 18:45. Total amount of hours: 50. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes.

Berlino Schule can help you find an accomodation in Berlin!

Would you like to spend some weeks in Berlin, but it is hard for you to find an accomodation? No panic! Berlino Schule has established some agreements with some landlords, who can provide you with the right accomodation (flats or rooms). In case you are interested, you can directly contact the school.

Wanna book the whole package?

You would like to attend a super-intensive course, but it is rather difficult for you to find an accomodation? We can provide you with an a single room in some hotels just nearby Berlino Schule, 2 weekly tickets included. Ask for a price quotation!

Our German super-intensive courses (Winter School)

A1.1 9 DECEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Monday-Friday, 14:30-18:45)

Look at our calendar to find out our super-intensive courses!

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

German course for medical professionals (doctors and nurses)

Are you working in Germany in the medical field? Are you a nurse or a doctor, wishing to move to Germany, and you desperately need to acquire a specific vocabulary in order to handle daily professional situations? Berlino Schule has come up with a specific course for people working as doctors or nurses, who need a specific vocabulary to communicate properly at their work place.

Price: 170 € + 20 € application fee


From 21st October to 9th December. Classes take place every Monday, from 18:00 to 20:30.

Target group

The course is aimed at foreign doctors and nurses who work or plan to work in Germany.
Max. 15 participants.
Pre-requisite: having acquired a B1 level.


Specific aspects and peculiarities of the medical terminology of various medical fields will be explained and discussed, according to what the participants want to learn and study in deep. The learning process will be interactive and situation-oriented. The participants will put in practice what they have been learning and they will also simulate different kinds of situations.

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

Our teachers and our method

Certified teachers with a lot of experience in the teaching field. Every course is held in the target language, i.e. our teachers speak constantly the language that our students want to learn during the entire lesson. Our method is based on the belief that a total immersion is the most effective way to get better. In case you cannot assess your level, you can contact us and we can send you a placement test. At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance can be issued upon request.

Info and registration

Send an email at info@berlinoschule.com and we will reply with all the information you need. Check also our website to know more about our school.

Berlino Schule

Berlino Schule Summer school 2019

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain

030 36465765



Facebook page

Instagram profile 

Read the Italian version of the article!

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

German evening classes from 240 €. Study at Berlino Schule. New classes start next at the end of October 2019

Berlino Schule is offering German evening courses for 240 €, starting at the end of October. Don’t miss the chance to attend great quality-courses in Berlin!

Are you looking for a German course in Berlin to grab «this (not) impossible» language, but you don’t have much time in the morning? Do you really want to learn German, but you cannot find the perfect course which matches your needs?

Berlino Schule has the best quality-price ratio: it can provide you with a proper language education and qualified teachers from just 4€/hour. In case you need a short-term accomodation in Berlin, Berlino Schule staff is always ready to help you out.

Berlino Schule ofers three kinds of German courses: intensive in the morning, intensive in the afternoon and evening courses. In case you don’t have time neither in the morning nor during the day, you can book some private classes.

Berlino Schule students

Drum roll: new evening German courses at Berlino Schule!

Our evening courses last 8 weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours: classes take place twice a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, depending on the monthly calendar), 3 hours per meeting, from 19.15 to 21.40.

Price: 240 euro + 20 euro registration fee (valid for one year)

Our German evening courses – October/ December 2019

A1.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A1.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

Our German evening courses – January/ March

A1.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

B1.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

Our German evening courses – March/ April 2020

A1.1 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

B2.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

Look at our calendar to find out our German evening courses!

Our German intensive courses in the morning 

Our intensive courses are held in the morning. Classes take place 4 times a week, from 8.45 to 11.15 or from 11.40 to 14.20, depending on the monthly calendar. The course lasts four weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours.

Price: 192 euro + 20 euro registration fee (valid for one year)

Our German intensive courses – November 2019

A1.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – December 2019

A1.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – January 2020

A1.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – February 2020

A1.1 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – March 2020

A1.1 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – April 2020

A1.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – May 2020

A1.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses! 

Our German intensive courses in the afternoon

We have something new for you this month! Afternoon classes! Our German intensive courses in the afternoon take place every day, from Monday to Friday (5 days/ week) from 14:30 to 17:10. Total amount of hours: 48. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes.

Price: 192 € + 20 € registration fee

Our next German afternoon courses

A1.1 4 NOVEMBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Mo-Fr 14:30-17:10)

A1.2 4 NOVEMBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Mo-Fr 14:30-17:10)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses in the afternoon!

Berlino Schule

Berlino Schule Summer school 2019

Skype/private classes

We want learning to be accessible to everyone, even if you don’t live in Germany or don’t have the time to come to our school. Our individual and Skype classes are made up for beginners (A1.1) and advanced learners (C1). An attendance certificate will be given to you at the end of your eLearning classes. If you want to take individual classes, no previous knowledge is required. Our flexible schedule will meet your specific linguistic needs and working hours. The attendance will be define with the school. The price is 28 € per hour (45 minutes).

Our teachers

The courses are held by teachers with certified experience in the language teaching field. At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be released on demand.

Info and registration

Send an email at info@berlinoschule.com and we will reply with all the information you need. Check also our website to know more about Berlino Schule.

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 Berlin

030 36465765


Look at our Facebook page and Instagram profile!

German classes

German Classes from 192 € per month. Study at Berlino Schule. New classes start next week

Summer is coming and social life is growing! That is why Berlino Schule has come up with new German courses: intensive, evening, private and Skype classes. Don’t skip any of these opportunities!

It is your first time in Berlin, or you have been living in Berlin for quite a lot of time, but you still have the feeling you cannot speak German fluently? Don’t worry. You are neither the first nor the last to experience this. This is why it is extremely important to rely on the right school. Berlino Schule provides you with qualified teachers, who have been teaching German for lots of years. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn “this (not) impossible” language in an international environment!

Berlino Schule has the best quality-price ratio: it can provide you with a proper language education, with qualified and German native teachers from just 4€/hour. Moreover, whether you are in need of an accomodation, we can help you find the right one for you.

Berlino Schule provides students with three kinds of German course: intensive (morning and afternoon), extensive (evening) and private lessons.

Our German intensive courses

Our intensive courses are held in the morning. Classes will take place 4 times a week, from 8.45 to 11.15 or from 11.40 to 14.20. The course will last four weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours.

Price: 192 euro + 20 euro registration fee

Our German intensive courses – May

A1.1 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 11.40-14.10)

A1.2 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 8.45 -11.15)

A2.1 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 11.40-14.10)

A2.2 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 8.45 -11.15)

B1.1 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 11.40-14.10)

B1.2 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 8.45 -11.15)

B2.2 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 8.45 -11.15)

Our German intensive courses – June

A1.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8.45 – 11.15)

A1.2 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11.40 – 14.10)

A2.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8.45 – 11.15)

A2.2 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11.40 – 14.10)

B1.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8.45 – 11.15)

B2.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8.45 – 11.15)

C1.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11.40 – 14.10)

Our German intensive courses – July

A1.1 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – August – 3 weeks

A1.1 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

A1.2 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

A2.1 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

A2.2 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

B1.1 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

B1.2 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

B2.1 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

Our German intensive courses – August – 3 weeks

A1.1 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

A1.2 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

A2.1 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

A2.2 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

B1.1 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

B2.1 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

B2.2 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

Our German intensive courses – September

A1.1 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

C1.1 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – October

A1.1 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.1 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – November

A1.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – December

A1.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses! 

Our German afternoon courses

Our afternoon courses are held in the afternoon. Classes will take place 4 times a week, from 14.30 to 17. The course will last four weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours.

Price: 192 euro + 20 euro registration fee

Our next German afternoon courses

A1.1 30 April – 24 May (Tue-Fri, 14:30-17:00)

Look at our calendar to find out our German afternoon courses! 

Our German evening courses

Evening German courses last 8 weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours: classes take place twice a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday), 3 hours per day, from 19.15 to 21.40.

Price: 240 euro + 20 euro registration fee

Our German evening courses – May/June

A1.1 6 MAY – 26 JUNE (MON and WED 19.15 – 21.40)

A1.2 7 MAY – 27 JUNE (TUE and THU 19.15 – 21.40)

A2.1 6 MAY – 26 JUNE (MON and WED 19.15 – 21.40)

A2.2 7 MAY – 27 JUNE (TUE and THU 19.15 – 21.40)

B1.1 7 MAY – 27 JUNE (TUE and THU 19.15 – 21.40)

B1.2 6 MAY – 26 JUNE (MON and WED 19.15 – 21.40)

Our German evening courses – July/August

A1.1 2 JULY – 22 AUGUST (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A1.2 1 JULY – 21 AUGUST (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.1 2 JULY – 22 AUGUST (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.2 1 JULY – 21 AUGUST (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.1 2 JULY – 22 AUGUST (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

B2.1 1 JULY – 21 AUGUST (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

Our German evening courses – August/October

A1.1 26 AUGUST – 16 OCTOBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A1.2 27 AUGUST – 17 OCTOBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.1 26 AUGUST – 16 OCTOBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.2 27 AUGUST – 17 OCTOBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.2 27 AUGUST – 17 OCTOBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

B2.2 26 AUGUST – 16 OCTOBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

Our German evening courses – October/December

A1.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A1.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

C1.1 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

Look at our calendar to find out our German evening courses!

Conversation course

24 April – 22 May (once a week, every Wednesday, 18.30 – 20.45)

Price: 230 euro

Our German super-intensive courses (Summer School)

Do you want to give a boost to your summer? Would you take advantage of the summer holidays to improve your German, a language which is getting more and more important in the labour market? Are you looking forward to coming to Berlin, a city full of culture, art and nightlife?

Summer School of Berlino Schule is the study trip you are looking for. If you choose to enroll to our classes, you will have the possibility to attend super intensive courses of 5 hours per day (from Monday to Friday) for 2 weeks, in a lively and international district of Friedrichshain.

That’s not all! Students attending the courses at Berlino Schule will be offered the chance to join in afternoon activities, related to the German language (i.e. cineforum, walking tours, museums, conversation activities, etc) for a total amount of 8 hours per week.

When. Summer School courses will be held from the 8th of July to the 30th of August and will be every 2 weeks: 8-19 July, 22 July-2 August, 5-16 August, 19-30 August, every day, from 14:30 to 18:45.

Accomodation. Mission impossible? No panic! Berlino Schule has established some agreements with some landlords to make your studying holiday as easier as possible. If you are interested, you can contact the school and we will provide you with a list containing all the info you need.

Price: 230 euro

Wanna book the whole package? You would like to attend a super-intensive course, but it is rather difficult for you to find an accomodation? We can provide you with an a single room in some hotels just nearby Berlino Schule (15 nights) and you can have the chance to get 2 weekly tickets (AB zone). Ask for a price quotation!

Our German super-intensive courses – July

A1.1: 8 JULY-19 JULY (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

A2.1: 8 JULY-19 JULY (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

B2.1: 8 JULY-19 JULY (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

Our German super-intensive courses – July/August

A1.2: 22 JULY-2 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

A2.2: 22 JULY-2 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

B2.2: 22 JULY-2 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

Our German super-intensive courses – August

A1.1: 5 AUGUST-16 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

B1.1: 5 AUGUST-16 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

C1.1: 5 AUGUST-16 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

Our German super-intensive courses – August

A1.2: 19 AUGUST-30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

B1.2: 19 AUGUST-30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

C1.2: 19 AUGUST-30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

Look at our calendar to find out our German super-intensive courses 

Skype/private classes

We want learning to be accessible to everyone, even if you don’t live in Germany or don’t have the time to come to our school. Our individual and Skype classes are made up for beginners (A1.1) and advanced learners (C1). An attendance certificate will be given to you at the end of your eLearning classes. If you want to take individual classes, no previous knowledge is required. Our flexible schedule will meet your specific linguistic needs and working hours. The attendance will be define with the school. The price is 28 € per hour (45 minutes).

Our teachers

The courses are held by teachers with certified experience in the language teaching field. At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be released on demand.

Info and registration

Send an email to info@berlinoschule.com and we will reply with all the information you need. Check also our website to know more about Berlino Schule.

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 Berlin

030 36465765


Lipsi, when DDR created a new dance to stop rock’n’roll

Listening new rock bands was actually impossible for youngsters who lived in Soviet bloc

All western bands were strongly censored by regime, above all rock’n’roll was not tolerated at all. Although listening to Elvis, Rolling Stones or Beatles was very hard matter, the ban was bypassed and their music albums came into DDR, getting really famous. Soviet party’s chiefs worried about the fact that youngers were listening this music, so they decided to think a new dance up. The newborn dance was created to be catched on them in order to eclipse the success of rock’n’roll: Lipsi was born.

Soviet reply to decandent and vulgar Western rock’n’roll

Soviet leaders felt disconcerted by dances which spread out since the end of 50s. They were the opinion that Elvis’ basin movements were almost pornographic, and besides, a tête-à-tête dancing between teenagers was a not- well-identified danger for social order. In order to prevent that this new kind of music could keep influence on DDR teenagers, Soviet leaders were determined to compose a new music and dance, both were suitable to the (chaste) education of Socialist youngsters. About Lipsi, René Dubianski composed its music, whereas dancing was created by Christa and Helmut Seifert dancers. As reported by J.Elke Ertel in his book entitled «Walled In – A West Berlin girl’s journey to freedom«, the name was not choosed by chance. All three authors came from Lipsia which was obviously situated in Soviet bloc. Adapting the latin name of the city, Lipsiens, they created an original name: without good reason, they actually thought that the final «i» would have given an «american» and new-fashioned guise, more fashionable for teenagers. Once music was composed and dance was created, the strict Soviet censorship let pass it: challenge against capitalist West could be begin on the dancing floor too.

A guidelines to dance Lipsi, for perfect party in Eastern German style

Surely, you are now curious to know how to dance Lipsi that is essential to organize a DDR themed party. The lyrics, composed by Dublansky and reported by Anna Funder in C’era una volta la DDRsaid: «These days all the youngsters dance Lipsistep, just it; These days all of them want to learn Lipsistep: it is hip rhythm! Rumba, Boogie and Cha Cha Cha are old-fashioned; out of the blue, a new rhythm has come from nowhere and it is about to be still». The piece is in 6/4, as it was a speedy waltz. The Seiferts created a very simple choreography which is quite similar to a rumba blended with waltz as defined by Ertel, so as the youngs could learn quickly. The most curious aspect was that any kind of basin movements was strictly forbidden, only chest movements were permitted. Dancers almost never moved close to each other, staying at safe distance: all that contributed to create an «innocent» choreography. But even though it was beaten the drum for it, Lipsi didn’t hit the big time. Socialist teenargers continued to prefer Western rock’n’roll with its own unfettered rhythm and, listening to Lipsi, we can’t argue with them. If you want to learn more about history of this questionable dance and everyday life during those years, you could visit DDR Museum in Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse, Berlin.

Cover image: A Lipsi step – Screenshot from Youtube’s video